Sunday, August 31, 2014

August in the Brand New Artroom !

The Artroom is born.....

When Mrs Kirk and Miss Flowers arrived back to school in August, the new artroom in Tai Tam was making good progress ! We could see that everything was being put in place ready for us to move into.........

In just a few days we went from an empty space to a functioning artroom with all of our fabulous art supplies unpacked and the furniture in place, we had lots of wonderful helpers and things began to take shape.

All our supplies!

The Art- Listening Nook

Our gorgeous Windows

Soon we were ready for our very first excited Art Students to come through the door !
In only 7 days of school, you can see that the children from R2-G2 unleashed their creativity !

R2 's

The R2's experienced their first ever trip to an Artclass. They learned how to transition and how to use the space and then they prepared a self portrait ready for next weeks " Artroom magic " !!!

Grade 1's

The Grade 1 artistes began to paint on their very first Real Life Canvas........making paint journeys and pathways in preparation for a study on the artist Kandinsky. They are learning to stipple and control the brush, ask your children to sing you the song......
and ask them where all the paint journey's begin : 

Now we're going on a journey
Now we're going on a journey
Now we're going on a journey 
to the edge of my page !!!!

Grade 2's

The Grade 2 designers took part in the "Design a Line Game" which helps them to learn and revisit new Art Vocabulary so that they can name and describe ways of using a variety of lines to build patterns, as well as helping them to acquire design strategies in using "Repetition" to generate their own patterns.

We look forwards to more arty adventures in September !!!

Do check out our intro pages to find out more about Miss Flowers and Miss Kirk and who they are.

from your Art Teachers
Miss Flowers
Miss Kirk

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